What We Do

What We Do

Peace Perceptions

Social Peace Workshop 1

Supporting participants of local communities coming from different backgrounds to put their own personal peace plan inspired by a paradigm shift of how they perceive peace and how they work to enhance it on multiple dimensions. Moreover, participants are expected to start thinking of their community-based initiative that would create space for them and for others to meet and work together.

Social Peace Workshop 2

Supporting participants to clarify their personal peace plans as advanced peace-builders, and to set together with their visions of social peace in their communities.


After finalising a Social Peace Workshop with participants of a local community group, HOPe team accompanies and provides required support for groups who have decided to implement a community-based initiative in their respective area. These initiatives aim at creating dialogue space for people coming from different backgrounds to meet and work together in order to overcome prejudices and stereotyping, and to experience positive transformation in their relationships. The nature of initiatives varies a lot based on the resources and the interests of the groups.

Network Events 

HOPe aims to create a platform to discuss re-occurring key issues from filed to collect best practices and actions, and to enhance grassroots network of local community groups of different areas, who have participated in HOPe activities, in order to meet each other and share their experiences, challenges, lessons learnt and recommendations around social peace-building.

“Let people know that we built this tent and now we can host activities from various NGOs. As long as we have the right tools, we can build anything we want, no worries.”
 - Workshop Participant

Conflict Sensitivity

Conflict Sensitivity Training

Supporting humanitarian workers to plan for conflict sensitivity measures at personal, program or institutional levels, inspired by a paradigm shift of how they perceive their  ongoing / prospective activities and their interaction with their context of work.

Conflict Sensitivity Meeting

Conflict Sensitivity Meeting (CSM) aims to gather a number of NGOs to discuss conflict sensitivity and to enrich this kind of culture, via initiating brainstorming where many thoughts, concerns, and challenges can be shared, targeting to encourage NGOs to re-consider their current practices based on conflict sensitivity, and decide on their future ones.

Conflict Sensitivity Community (HUB)

In 2016, House of Peace have become part of a newly emerged Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub (CSC-Hub), and is currently co-leading the Hub Coordination in collaboration with World Vision. “The CSC-Hub brings together actors that are using conflict sensitivity at policy, strategic and field level, in programs, in research, in the security sector and in business. It brings together international stakeholders (INGOs, donors, business, universities), national stakeholders (national governments, NGOs, CBOs) and individuals across different countries and sectors. It connects international and local discourses in the fields of conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding in fragile and conflict affected contexts and helps shape them”. Other members in the working group are: CDA, Peaceful Change Initiative, Helvetas, International Alert, Swiss Peace, Safer World, Oxfam, KOFF, Search For Common Ground, World Vision and others.

All the people here were waiting for such a library, and sometimes they ask if they can keep the books” - Workshop Participant

Art Of Being Life Insurance

Art of being, a participatory project launched by a group of young men and women from different communities and cultural backgrounds, having the aims to enhance interaction with societal issues to promote children's rights through arts. the journey began with 3 trainings covering volunteering principles, social peace, advocacy and human rights. Following that, participants will undergo three different art forms trainings in which they will express themselves in to develop joint initiatives advocating for children's & youth rights.

"I passed through a difficult period in my life where I was isolated until the age of 29th because I was blind. It was until I participated in a TV show, that an opportunity to work in the humanitarian field was presented. These sessions helped me to open up again and share this experience with my colleagues for the first time to build trust between us." - Workshop Participant

The Self–Care Hub 

Through the psychological support journey, we assist front-liners from NGOs, volunteers, and the local community in decreasing their mental and emotional burdens, by equipping them with tools and skills that will enhance their well-being and also help them develop their peace plans later on.

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